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Charging Lithium-ion Electricity Is An Important Step In Reuse

Time:2018-04-11   Vist:1474

Charging is an important step for battery reuse. The charging process of lithium-ion battery is divided into two stages: constant current fast charging stage and constant voltage current decreasing stage. 

In the constant current fast charging stage, the battery voltage gradually increases to the standard voltage of the battery, and then it is transferred to the constant voltage stage under the control chip. The voltage does not increase to ensure that it will not be overcharged. The current gradually decreases to the set value as the battery power increases, and the charge is finally completed. 

The battery statistics chip can sample and calculate the battery power by recording the discharge curve. After repeated use, the discharge curve of lithium ion battery will change. Although there is no memory effect in lithium ion battery, improper charge and discharge will seriously affect the battery performance.



